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Questionable/Predatory Publisher

【About Predatory Publisher】


■  Avoiding Predatory Journals 

■ Identifying Predatory Publishers

■ Complexities and approaches to predatory publishing (Deborah Poff)

■ A view of predatory publishing from an open access publisher (Matt Hodgkinson)

■ Predatory Publishing: What It Is and How to Protect Yourself


What is a Predatory Publisher?

What is Predatory Publishing? 

【How to Avoid Questionable/Predatory Publishers

■ Think Check Submit: A checklist helps researchers to choose trusted journals.

■ Think Check Attend: A checklist helps researchers to choose the right conferences.

■ Beall's List of Predatory Journals and Publishers

■ Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)

 Journal Citation Reports (JCR):Some potential predatory journals claim that they have an impact factor. However, be aware to confirm it through the JCR.

【Further Reading】

■ What I learned from predatory publishers (Jeffrey Beall)

Predatory publishers are corrupting open access (Jeffrey Beall)

■ How to tell reputable journals from shady ones

■ Withdrawal of accepted manuscript from predatory journal (Case study, COPE)

Discussion Document: Predatory Publishing (COPE)

■ Beware of predatory journals

■ Combatting Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences (IAP)


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