作者列名及貢獻者(Authorship and Contributorship)


■ ORI Introduction to RCR: Authorship and Publication

■ Authorship: From Credit to Accountability

 ICMJE: Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors

■ The Council of Science Editors (CSE):Authorship and Authorship Responsibilities



 Natural Sciences 

■ American Chemical Society: What Constitutes Authorship?

■ American Chemical Society: Deciding Authorship Order

■ American Chemical Society: The Evolution of Authorship

■ Nature Research journals' authorship policy

■ IEEE:Definition of Authorship

■ The American Physical Society:Guidelines on Ethics

 Social Sciences 

■ The American Psychological Association (APA): Tips for Determining Authorship Credit

■ The American Sociological Association (ASA):Code of Ethics (p.17)


■ What constitutes authorship? COPE Discussion Document

■ Co-authorship in the Humanities and Social Sciences A global view


■ The COPE Report: How to handle authorship disputes: a guide for new researchers

■ COPE:How to recognise potential authorship problems

■ Determining and negotiating authorship (APA)

■ Authorship agreement form(APA)

■ Co-authorship (Phd On Track)

■ CRediT – Contributor Roles 



■ 從掛名作者與幽靈作者談文章作者的標示問題

作者定義及排序原則 (台灣學術倫理教育資源中心)

■ The rise of research networks

■ Physics paper sets record with more than 5,000 authors

■ Publishing: Credit where credit is due

■ Authorship, contributorship, who’s doing what, and what do we need?

■ Accountability and Authorship

■ Responsibility for Scientific Misconduct in Collaborative Papers

■ COPE: Standards in Authorship webinar

■ Co‐author responsibility

■ Seminar 2021: Ethical authorship versus fraudulent authorship (COPE 2021)