文字再使用(Text Recycling)


Text Recycling from an Author’s Previously Disseminated Work (NIH ORI)

Webinar 2020: Understanding text recycling (COPE)

What is Text Recycling? (The Text Recycling Research Project)

How much text recycling is okay? (Retraction Watch, 2017)



Text recycling guidelines for editors (COPE)

Understanding text recycling: A Guide for Researchers (06/2021)

TRRP Best Practices for Researchers

Understanding text recycling: A Guide for Editors (06/2021)

TRRP White Paper: Text Recycling in Research Writing: U.S. Copyright Law and Fair Use (05/2021)

出版商文字再使用說明彙整 (備註:然期刊政策可能隨著時間改變,建議投稿前再次確認期刊規範)



Self-Plagiarism, Text Recycling, and Science Education (2016)

Text recycling in health sciences research literature: a rhetorical perspective (2017)

What types of researchers are most likely to recycle text? The answers might surprise you (Retraction Watch, 2017)

Text recycling: Views of North American journal editors from an interview‐based study (09/2019)

Text Recycling in STEM Research: An Exploratory Investigation of Expert and Novice Beliefs and Attitudes (03/2020)

Standardizing terminology for text recycling in research writing (10/2020)

When not to recycle: the perils of text recycling (03/2021)

When is ‘self-plagiarism’ OK? New guidelines offer researchers rules for recycling text (06/2021)

論自我抄襲-重複發表、文字再使用 有無學術倫理上的處罰必要? (孫以瀚/中央研究院分子生物研究所特聘研究員, 11/2020)

「文字再使用」即是學術倫理問題  (蔡孟利/國立宜蘭大學生物機電工程學系教授, 03/2021)

「文字再使用」有問題嗎?文字再使用、自我抄襲兩概念之釐清 (甘偵蓉/清華大學動力機械工程學系助理研究學者, 04/2021)

(更新日期: 2021.07.01)