【Scientific Social Responsibility】
■Broader Impacts: Improving Society (NSF)
■Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI Toolkit)
■Why scientific fraud hurts people (2016 STAT)
■Socially Responsible Science Is More than “Good Science” (2014 Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education)
■Social Responsibility and Research Ethics: Not Either/Or but Both (2014 AAAS)
■The Social Responsibilities of Scientists and Engineers (2017 AAAS)
■Academic and social responsibility of scientists (2006 Journal on Science and World Affairs)
■Scientific Social Responsibility: Lessons from the Corporate Social Responsibility Movement (2015 The American Journal of Bioethics)
■Engineering Values into Genetic Engineering: A Proposed Analytic Framework for Scientific Social Responsibility (2015 The American Journal of Bioethics)
■How Universities Can Encourage Social Responsibility in Their Students (2019 QS)
■Public Engagement with Research (University of Oxford)
■The misuse of psychological arguments in the immigration debate: why social psychology matters in the real world. (2014 LSE Impact Blog)
■The Use (or Is It Abuse?) of Social Media in Social Science (2014 Social Science Space)
■How I switched from academia to science communication (2019 Nature)
■ Building bridges between science and society for a better future (2016 TEDxSaclay)
■ Breaking down the wall between science and the public (2015 TEDxBocaRaton)
■ Communicating science (2014 TEDxCongressAve)