研究資料管理(Data Management Practices)


■ Responsible Conduct in Data Management (Northern Illinois University)

■ Management of Research Data (University of New Hampshire)

■ Data Management Toolkit (University of New Hampshire)

■ Research Data Management Toolkit: Planning (University of Western Australia)

■ Data management (MIT Libraries)

■ Data acquisition and management  (Columbia University)

■ Benefits of good research data management (KU Leuven)

■ Research data management (KU Leuven)

■ Reproducible Research Practices: Research Data Management (UC Berkeley)

Data Management (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Data management plan

■ California Digital Library

Digital Curation Centre, UK



■ Who owns your thesis data? We do, says one university, prompting retraction (Retraction Watch)

■ 國立成功大學研究發展成果管理辦法

■ 科技部研發成果歸屬Q&A

■ 衛生福利部科學技術研究發展成果歸屬及運用辦法




NIH Data Sharing Policy (NIH USA)

Data sharing and how it can benefit your scientific career (Nature)

Sharing research data (Elsevier)

Research Data Sharing Policies (SAGE)



RCR Casebook: Data Acquisition and Management (NIH ORI)

Author dispute concerning ownership of data (COPE)

A claim of stolen data and a demand for retractions (COPE)

Paper submitted for publication without consent or knowledge of co-authors (COPE)

Alleged unauthorized use of data and possible dual publication (COPE)

Author accused of stealing research and publishing under their name (COPE)



Data management made simple (Nature 2018)

Award-winning nursing researcher’s paper retracted for ‘failure to acknowledge the contribution of other researchers and the funding source’ (Retraction Watch)

Why digital badges don't work:Turns out they're not enough incentive for researchers to share their data. (Natureindex).

Six tips for data sharing in the age of the coronavirus (Nature)

Data sharing: An open mind on open data (Nature)

學者研究資料管理認知與實踐之研究 (圖書資訊學刊/陸怡靖、柯皓仁)