利益衝突(Conflicts of Interest)


■ Conflict of interest

■ What is a conflict of interest?

■ (ORI HHS) Conflict of interest

■ RCR_Conflict of interest (Columbia University)

■ What is a competing interest?

■ 研究⼈員的利益迴避與利益揭露



■ Conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment

 Conflicts of commitment

■ Financial conflicts

■ Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research: Recognition and Management

■ Personal and intellectual conflicts

■ Conflict of interest examples (University of Oxford)

■ Checklist for conflict identification (University of Melbourne)

■ Conflict of interest in clinical research

■ 論生物醫學研究中利益衝突(Conflict of Interest)問題之規範



■ Conflict of Interest (COI): What is it and How do I Manage it?

■ Scientific journals and conflict of interest disclosure: what progress has been made?

■ 學術著作發表時的利益衝突聲明

■ 中央研究院利益衝突管理要點



■  (TED) Beware conflicts of interest_Dan Ariely

■ How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat

■ Conflicts of interest in research: looking out for number one means keeping the primary interest front and center

■ Conflict of Interest in Science Communication: More than a Financial Issue

■ Conflict of interest disclosure: striking a balance?

■ 有無利益衝突,誰說了算? 從美國醫學研究未揭露利益的爭議談起