人類受試者保護(The Protection of Human Subjects)


■ Definition of Human Subjects Research

■ Human Subjects Research Infographic


■ What is Research?


■ Nazi Concentration Camps Research WWII

■ The Doctors Trial: The Medical Case of The Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings

■ Tuskegee Syphilis Studies (1932-1972)

■ 塔斯基吉梅毒實驗

■ History of Research Ethics


■ 紐倫堡守則 (1947)

■ 赫爾辛基宣言 (1964)

■ The Belmont Report: Basic Ethical Principles and their Application

■ The Belmont Report: What is it and how does it relate to today’s clinical trials?

什麼是研究倫理相關之規範與政策? (NCKU HREC)


■ How IRBs Protect Human Research Participants

■ Membership Requirements for Institutional Review Boards (IRB)

■ Research Ethics Committees

■ Participating in Social & Behavioral Health Research

■ Questions to Ask Before Volunteering in Clinical Trials

■ Questions to Ask When Deciding Whether to Volunteer for Research

倫理議題與實踐 (NCKU HREC)


■ Ethics and Exploitation: Conducting Clinical Trials in Developing Countries

■ An updated Declaration of Helsinki will provide more protection

■ Boghuma Kabisen Titanji: 愛滋病研究中的道德之謎

■ Christine Fox:The Ethical Dilemma We Face on AI and Autonomous Tech

■ The Research Clinic:美國人類研究保護辦公室(OHRP)及研究誠信辦公室(ORI)共同編製之互動試教材,以角色模擬及情境選擇的方式,使研究人員了解保護研究參與者之重要性。